Michael B. Wong

Assistant professor, HKU





Policy Writing




I am an assistant professor in management and strategy with a joint appointment in economics at HKU Business School. I received my BA from Harvard University in 2012 and my PhD from MIT in 2022.

I am an applied microeconomist. My interest includes labor economics, organizational economics, housing, and money and barter. Here is my CV. You can reach me at mbwong@hku.hk or DM me on Twitter. I am hiring a pre-doctoral research assistant. Feel free to email me!

Working Papers

Intermediation and Relational Contracts in Competitive Markets

(with Duoxi Li)

Last Updated: July 2024

Abstract (click to expand)

Domestic Outsourcing and Employment Security

(with Naijia Guo and Duoxi Li)

Last Updated: July 2024

Abstract (click to expand)

The Employment Effects of Domestic Outsourcing

(with Mayara Felix)

Last Updated: April 2024

Abstract (click to expand)

Money and Barter in the Field: Evidence from the Life and Death of a Digital Currency

Last Updated: June 2024

Abstract (click to expand)

Targeting Housing Assistance with Rent Notches: Evidence from a Quasi-experiment

Last Updated: March 2024

Abstract (click to expand)


Ideological Bias and Trust in Information Sources

(with Matthew Gentzkow and Allen T. Zhang)

Last Updated: March 2024

Conditionally accepted, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

Abstract (click to expand)

Work in Progress

Digital Money Adoption and Redemption

(with Baiyun Jing, Yang You, and Yulin Zhong)

Commodity Money: Theory and Field Evidence

(with Baiyun Jing)

Rent Regulation and Housing Affordability

(with Zhongji Wei)

Anatomy of a Housing Affordability Crisis

(with Jimmy Ho, Yulin Hong, Lichen Zhang)


Current: Instructor for HKU’s PMGM7004 (Global Management from Economics Perspectives) and PMGM7019 (Economics of Strategy and Organization).

Previous: TA for MIT’s Intro Micro (undergrad, 2022), Intermediate Micro (undergrad, 2018-20), Applied Econ for Managers (EMBA, 2019), Org Econ (PhD, 2018), and Industrial Organization II (PhD, 2022).


Things I learned in Grad School (the Hard Way)

Tips for excelling as a PhD student

How to have productive PhD advisor meetings

Policy Writing

Hong Kong must stop letting the well-off hog public rental housing (South China Morning Post, 2024-5-4, with Jimmy Ho)

Why is Hong Kong Housing So Expensive? (HKU FOSS presentation, 2024-3-6)

The Solution to Hong Kong’s Subdivided Housing Crisis (Translated from Hong Kong Economic Journal, 2024-2-14)

Brain Drain, Brain Gain, and The Future of Hong Kong: Evidence from LinkedIn Profiles (Hong Kong Economic Policy Green Paper, 2024-1-10, with Alan P. Kwan and Heiwai Tang)

Using Data and Algorithms to Reduce Public Housing Wait Times (Hong Kong Economic Policy Green Paper, 2024-1-10, with Shing-Yi Wang and Maisy Wong)

What Caused Hong Kong’s Housing Crisis? (Hong Kong Economic Policy Green Paper, 2022-9-23, Twitter thread)

In Hong Kong’s Olympic glory, a glimpse of a hopeful new future (South China Morning Post, 2021-8-4)

Liberal or conservative, Hongkongers must learn to listen to those they disagree with (South China Morning Post, 2019-9-7, with Spike Lee and Josephine Au)


加強富戶審查 劏房戶免受苦? (明報, 2024-5-16, 與何漢樑)

香港劏房問題之出路 (香港信報, 2024-2-14)

人才得失與香港前景:領英社交資料佐證 (香港經濟政策綠皮書, 2024-1-10, 與關穎倫和鄧希煒)

利用數據和算法減低公屋輪候時間 (香港經濟政策綠皮書, 2024-1-10, 與王欣儀和黃美施)

香港房屋危機之謎 (香港經濟政策綠皮書, 2022-9-23)

預算案500億推創科 怎用得其所 (香港經濟日報, 2018-3-18)

社會面對新挑戰 須3方面調整 (香港經濟日報, 2017-9-13)